Absolute Analysis levels


Bronze – Income and spend analysis

A simple level of transactional detail and analysis for each account providing categorised sub-totals.

Data integrity
We check and confirm that a full run of data has been provided. If statements are missing or incomplete, we provide a listing so that the missing data can be requested.

Bank statement analysis
We provide a report for each bank account showing:

  • The total of all debits and all credits over a defined period
  • Categorised listings with sub-totals, to illustrate spending patterns and income sources over a defined period
  • Chronological listings, over a defined period, of:

(i)  Individual debits
(ii)  Individual credits

Credit card statement analysis
We provide a report for each credit card showing:

  • The totals of all debits over a defined period
  • Categorised listings with sub-totals, to illustrate spending patterns over a defined period
  • Chronological listings, over a defined period, of individual payments
Silver – Consolidated analysis

A comprehensive consolidation of expenditure across multiple bank accounts which eliminates inter-bank transfers.

Bronze level analysis plus:

Consolidated data
A consolidated report across all bank accounts and credit cards showing all monies inward and outward over a defined period.

Consolidation allows inter-account transfers to be eliminated, providing a clean picture of (external) monies inward and (external) monies outward over a period.

Gold – Commentary and questions

The most comprehensive analysis including accounting commentary, and questions to raise on the other party.

Silver level analysis plus:

“Issues-led” report covering

  • Matters identified by the instructing solicitor as of particular interest
  • Comparison of actual spend to the proposed Needs budget
  • Potential questions to raise on the other side

Transactions identified

  • Large sums of cash withdrawn.
  • Large, unidentified individual transactions
  • Large, unidentified areas of spend or transfers
  • Large, unidentified sources of funds such as undeclared bank accounts

Our analysis groups the transactions into logical summaries to make it easier for the user to interpret the underlying data.